Young resident in Norway and in need of help?
In this article you will find ways to get help, no matter how big or small your problem is.
Sist oppdatert: 26.11.2020 Av: Redaksjonen,

På denne siden:
The website is the public sector’s online information and communications channel directed at young people between 13 and 20 years of age.
The website offers quality assured information on a wide variety of topics, such as the body, health, sexuality, school, bullying, criminality and drugs. It also offers a question and answer service where young people can submit questions anonymously and get answers from experts.
Unfortunately, we are not able to offer all of our information on this site in English. If you are a young resident in Norway, and in need of help, here are some options:
If you need urgent help, you can call the police at the number 112, ambulance at 113 and the fire service at 110.
If you need to see a doctor or a psychologist
If you are ill (physically or mentally), need to see a doctor and it’s not an emergency, you should get in touch with your GP (General Practitionair). All municipalities in Norway also offer an out-of-hours medical service for immediate medical assistance 24 hours a day. Call the number 116 117 for free to contact your local out-of-hours medical centre.
Everyone living in Norway is entitled to essential medical and care services. You can read more about your rights regarding medical care in this article from
If you are experiencing care failure or violence
If you are experiencing or are in fear of violence, drug abuse, forced marriage, genital mutilation or other forms of care failure, you can call Alarmtelefonen for barn og unge (The emergency telephone for children and youth) at 116 111 any time – they are always open. They also have a chat service that you can write to whenever you want, anonymously.
You can also call Vo-linjen at the number 166 006, any time. It is a help service if you experience violence or abuse in close relationships. You are anonymous when you call.
Want to chat with someone?
There are also some Norwegian organizations that you can chat with anonymously in English, such as:
- Snakk om psyken (Talk about mental health – You can talk to them about anything regarding your mental health).
- SOS Chat(You can chat with them about anything you want to. You can also reach them by calling the number 22 40 00 40, anytime).
- Unge pårørende (“Young relatives” – You can chat with them if someone you care about is struggling with something, like illness, drug abuse etc).
- iChatten (They answer questions about gender and gender identity).
- Sex og samfunn (Sex and community – They answer questions about sex, sexuality, gender identity and sexual health).
- YouChat (The service is run by volunteer gay, lesbian, bisexual and other young adults, and you can chat with them about sexuality and sexual orientation).
- Alarmtelefonen for barn og unge (The emergency telephone for children and youth: You can chat with them if you are experiencing or are in fear of violence, drug abuse, forced marriage, genital mutilation or other forms of care failure. Only for children and youth up to 18 years old, always open).
If you need urgent help, you can call the police at the number 112, ambulance at 113 and the fire service at 110.
- Get in touch with your GP (General Practitionair) if it's not urgent.
- Call the number 116 117 for free to contact your local out-of-hours medical centre (if its not urgent, but you can't reach your GP).

If you need urgent help, you can call the police at the number 112, ambulance at 113 and the fire service at 110.
- Get in touch with your GP (General Practitionair) if it's not urgent.
- Call the number 116 117 for free to contact your local out-of-hours medical centre (if its not urgent, but you can't reach your GP).